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Reviving Vita games to CFW PS3 after transfer

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 4:32 am
Ok this is a copy and paste from a forum I am a regular member of I was hoping you all could help me here. 
Ok so most of you know I don't have much access to the internet but I have been wanting Soul Sacrifice Delta for a long freaking time now. I went and bought two moths of pre-paid cellular cards to grab it off PSN and bought the game and downloaded it. Well I went to install it and was greeted by my PS3 telling me once this was installed it would be deleted from my system. Well funk that I want to keep it backed up on my PS3. So I went and copied the user folder with the profile containing the rif and backed up the "bubble" files as well as the pkg externally. I also backed up the registry prior to installing to my PSTV. Now I am hoping this will be enough so I can restore it at a later time if needed. I was hoping someone could shed some light on this if this approach will work. I even went and bought a dedicated memory card for just this game. So lets review, backed up user profile with rif file, backed up xregistry data, backed up "bubble" data & pkg. I hope this will be all I need to restore my backup once I am done but can't find anyone that has tried such a thing. It's stupid we can't keep this as we can gameshare and some users like me have access to more then one Vita. PSP, PS1 and Mini's don't erase after install so why Vita games? Anyhow anyone think this should work?

Ok I of course have a CFW PS3 running a special 4.21.2 Rebug REX Cobra 7.10 spoofed to 4.75 for PSn access and transferring content via CMA. As you can see I only have limited data and bought two months of data just to get this game. I backuped up the profile with all the rap/rif files for Soul Sacrifice Delta, the "bubble" data that shows on the XMB including the pkg. the PS3's xregistry prior to transfer as I will delete the game after install. I even have a dedicated 8gb Vita memory card for the game and any DLC. Does anyone think this will work? Or if installed via PKG manager could I write the rif data to the Vita/PSTV after wards? It's all legit data and owned by me I just think its unfair for Sony to remove my purchased data as it cost me two $35 cellular cards and the $18 to buy off PSN. 

RE: Reviving Vita games to CFW PS3 after transfer

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2015 5:49 am
by hackinformer
Just download it more then once on the PS3, so if some happens you still have another one to load up. I like to have 4-5 of the same game on the ps3. Next if you backup the game with cma or qcma on the pc that will be fine also. Use your pc to make backs up your games or you can backup the whole system on the pc. Just make sure to back up your games with cma or qcma on the pc as I have like 40+ games backed up on the PC via cma or qcma.
Hope that helps answers your question.

RE: Reviving Vita games to CFW PS3 after transfer

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 9:34 am
by fuj123
if i could help i would bro