Tutorial: How to install homebrews or emulators in VHBL

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Tutorial: How to install homebrews or emulators in VHBL

Post by Thebigboss1206 » Wed Jul 13, 2016 8:49 pm

Hi guys, in this tutorial I'm gonna show you how easily you can install any compatible homebrew or emulator in the VHBL (any version of it) once you've exploited it on your system. Let's begin.

This is what you need:
- qCMA program (used to tranfer data from PC/PSV in offline) Note: this is available for macOS http://codestation.nekmo.com/qcma/0.3.2 ... -0.3.2.zip or Windows http://codestation.nekmo.com/qcma/0.3.2 ... 20platform;
- Exploited PS Vita with VHBL installed on it (there are several ways to install into it, depending on which OFW you are on);
- PSP Homebrew or emulator you need to install, you can download some samples from here http://wololo.net/category/homebrew/, but first be sure to its compatibility with your VHBL version;
- Any random PSP save game.

So, there we go. Usually, when you launch the Vita Half-Byte Loader for the first time, after its boot an error message will appear. This will happen because no homebrew comes pre-installed with it. This is an example image:


To make rid of this message, you must install at least one homebrew/emulator. That's how:

1. First of all, you need to download your emulator or homebrew and unzip it to your PC Desktop. After that, you have to create two folders and rename them to "PSP" and "VHBL" (without quotes);

2. Now, put the homebrew/emulator folder that you just unzipped into VHBL folder, and then move the VHBL folder into PSP folder in order to have this directory: PSP -> VHBL -> HOMEBREW -> EBOOT.PBP
tutorial_install_vita01.png (17.9 KiB) Viewed 11202 times
3. Next step is to compress (using 7zip or WinRAR) the whole PSP folder setting the compression level on "Store". Just like this:
tutorial_install_vita02.png (6.81 KiB) Viewed 11202 times
4. After that, you only have to rename the compressed PSP folder to "INSTALL.ZIP" (be sure upper case sensitive) and paste it into the PSP save data folder that you downloaded before. This is the example:
tutorial_install_vita03.png (16.42 KiB) Viewed 11202 times
5. So now go to: C:\Users\XXXXX\Documents\PS Vita\PSAVEDATA\(alot_of_digits)\ and paste your modified save game there.


6. Now connect your PS Vita to the PC, open the qCMA program and refresh the database. Open Content Manager from your PSV system and copy from PC to PSV the modified PSP save game as you usually do (Applications -> Save Data -> PSP/Other):



7. Last step is to boot your VHBL and then press the "L" trigger in order to navigate between VHBL directories. At this point you should select (by pressing "X" or "O" button) PSP -> SAVEDATA -> UCUS00000X (name of the modified save game) and then hit again "X" on the "INSTALL.ZIP" folder you just put into it. An installation will start, and then you will find the homebrew you desired in ms0:/PSP -> VHBL after the install completition. Have fun! :wave:

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Re: Tutorial: How to install homebrews or emulators in VHBL

Post by Manzgamer » Sun Jul 17, 2016 5:20 pm

Did it work with 3.60 ??
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