Have you ever got yourself in trouble on the net downloading Music. Movies, Games or TV Shows etc...Online for free? We all know about those types of things or should I say sites, torrents, IRC, or Newsgroup’s etc... I could keep on going and now we all stay quite like they don't exist. Speak no evil, hear no evil, see no evil, or ignorance is bliss I guess. I remember how it was in the early 90's slow speed but you could get your hands on so many different things’ back then on the net, from all kinds of groups out here.
Now enough with the old ways as they have went the way of the dinosaur. So now days it would seem to be a difficult task to find stuff online for free or is it? So today let's talk about steaming is it a great solution, that will let you watch Movies and TV Shows online for free and I don't mean like how hulu and others started.

Well lets talk about an app call Show Box, it is Android App that lets you download and watch your favorite movies and TV shows without paying a single penny. May be you are already aware of these type of apps, but still if Show Box is new for you, then let me give you a little description about it. It is an Android App with collection of Movies and TV Shows to watch online free of cost, the section is WOW, from just released still in the theaters kind of stuff..If you want just Google this Show box and see for yourself.
It's like all apps after you have downloaded it, move it to your Android Phone and open it through file viewer. Click on install button. Wait for the system to install it on your device. Once it is done, go to Menu and find Show box icon, tap it and start using it that's it...
I'm not surprised at all, as if there's a will there's a way, and I could name others like the B*A*K***E* app, but shah.. That enough. So what are your thought on apps like this "show box" and is this going to be the new wave of things to come?
https://www.dropbox.com/s/5cz3i1v5g1rq8 ... 2.apk?dl=0