Console Modding and Save Editing Services are now Illegal in Japan

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Re: Console Modding and Save Editing Services are now Illegal in Japan

Post by ytvv » Thu Jan 03, 2019 7:03 pm

Hm... I mean, your technically already and have been violating the TOS for games when you edit them by using third party pieces of software to influence the game, so cool... now they publicly acknowledged it lol.

Just don't brag and publicly do it, just like torrenting - it's illegal, but everyone still does it who understand how to avoid the consequences.

Nothing new, but definitely interesting given the state of gaming at present, where mircro-transactions are behind everything, well... the bad/garbage games in most cases :)

Long live JRPG's!
When you freeze a video game by hex editing, you're the right track to becoming the anti christ.
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Re: Console Modding and Save Editing Services are now Illegal in Japan

Post by QuarryTen » Thu Jan 03, 2019 8:37 pm

I was of the impression that save editing was an issue that the Japanese harpooned on ages ago but I guess they are now.

And considering the fact that save wizard only works primarily with offline saves, I can’t see how they can punish any offenders unless said offenders editing their damage somehow and troll others online or unfairly place themselves in the leaderboards, but save wizard warns users time and time again not to do these things so we should fine for the most part. For now at least.
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Re: Console Modding and Save Editing Services are now Illegal in Japan

Post by pj1980 » Mon Jan 07, 2019 1:26 pm

They made it illegal because the game companies don't want anyone else to make money from there games.they also made game hardware modification illegal as well. As save wizard profits from editing games someone else made it does make it illegal in Japan. If a free PS4 save editor came out it wouldn't be illegal as no one making any money and if people edit there own saves that not illegal and if they share cheat codes on a website that doesn't charge to use it still not illegal. Best example I can think of is PS3 game genie is illegal but bruteforce ps3 save editor isn't technically illegal.
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Re: Console Modding and Save Editing Services are now Illegal in Japan

Post by Lakell00 » Wed Jan 09, 2019 9:54 am

no it only effects japan............ its not gonna effect nowhere else if sw servers were in japan then we be fucked............ but since its not we are safe also sony dont give a damn about ps4 if so they try to ban it by now.......... their minds are on ps5..............
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