Bloodborne : Quick Tutorial on Gem Modding

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Bloodborne : Quick Tutorial on Gem Modding

Post by Aladore » Sat May 06, 2017 8:08 am

Bloodborne : Quick Tutorial on Gem Modding

Guide by Aladore384

.txt version

Before we start, friendly advice : MAKE BACKUPS!!!


Gems are written twice within the savedata:
1. Gem information
2. Gem location

The latter doesn't matter, what you want to find is the former. Find the gem, and modify its attributes.

A typical gem looks like this (written in little endian) :

06 0E 81 C0 / CC 0F 10 80 / 01 00 00 00 / 02 00 00 00 /
B3 EA 01 00 / 02 A1 00 00 / FF FF FF FF /

06 0E 81 C0 : don't touch it, it's the ID. Each gem has its own ID.
CC 0F 10 80 : gem's source, here it's Watchers Boss
01 00 00 00 : quantity, always leave at 01 00 00 00
02 00 00 00 : shape (01 radial, 02 triangle, 04 waning, 08 circlet, 3F droplet)

From there, each 4 bytes is a single effect. If you want only 1 effect, fill the first 4 bytes with the associated numbers, and the effect slots you want empty with FF FF FF FF.

B3 EA 01 00 : effect 1 (here Bolt 27.2%)
02 A1 00 00 : effect 2 (here Stamina cost 3.2%)
FF FF FF FF : effect 3 (here empty)


Gem Sources

CC 0F 10 80 : Watchers Boss
C0 0F 10 80 : Watchers Mob

76 0B 10 80 : Blood-starved Beast Boss

C6 06 10 80 : Brainsucker Boss
BC 06 10 80 : Brainsucker Mob

31 10 10 80 : Pthumerian Elder Boss

ED 12 10 80 : Headless Bloodletting Beast Boss


Primary Effects

9B EE 01 00 : 27.2% phys (9C EE 01 00 = 28.1%)
E3 E2 01 00 : 27.2% arc (E4 E2 01 00 = 28.1%)
CB E6 01 00 : 27.2% fire (CC E6 01 00 = 28.1%)
B3 EA 01 00 : 27.2% bolt (B4 EA 01 00 = 28.1%)
83 F2 01 00 : 23.6% atk (84 F2 01 00 = 24.4%)
FA DE 01 00 : 31.5% blood (FB DE 01 00 = 32.6% , FC DE 01 00 = 33.8%)
13 DB 01 00 : 32.6% thrust (14 DB 01 00 = 33.8%)
2B D7 01 00 : 32.6% blunt (2C D7 01 00 = 33.8%)

97 DE 01 00 : 28.7% blood (98 DE 01 00 = 29.7%)

9B D5 01 00 : 11.7% Blunt (9C D5 01 00 = 12.2%)
0B ED 01 00 : 9.8% Phys (0C ED 01 00 = 10.1%)

44 05 02 00 : 65 arc scaling

F0 F9 01 00 : 65 str scaling


Secondary Effects

3F 33 00 00 : +7.3 blood (40 33 00 00 = 7.5)

53 38 00 00 : +72.5 arc (54 38 00 00 = 75)

28 37 00 00 : +15arc
10 3B 00 00 : +15fire
F8 3E 00 00 : +15bolt

E0 42 00 00 : +15phys

D0 98 00 00 : 6% open foes



04 A1 00 00 : stamina costs 3.4%
03 A1 00 00 : stamina costs 3.3%
02 A1 00 00 : stamina costs 3.2%
01 A1 00 00 : stamina costs 3%
00 A1 00 00 : stamina costs 2.9%

9F A0 00 00 : stamina costs 1.5%
9E A0 00 00 : stamina costs 1.4%


N.B. : Runes seem to work in the same fashion. For you, here is data for Guidance rune.

The first 4 bytes prolly differ from one save to another. I suggest locating it with the second set of 4 bytes.

You want to modify the last set of 4 bytes :

Tier 1 : 85 01 80 C0 / 40 96 01 80 / 02 00 00 00 / 01 00 00 00 / 08 69 11 00
Tier 2 : 8D 01 80 C0 / 41 96 01 80 / 02 00 00 00 / 01 00 00 00 / 09 69 11 00
Tier 3 : XX XX XX XX / XX 96 01 80 / 02 00 00 00 / 01 00 00 00 / 0A 69 11 00


Additional notes by Abnaxis

Abnaxis wrote: Thu Oct 01, 2020 2:38 am So, I've had some adventures trying to start a character with editted-in Beast Claws and Beast's Embrace, and I have some info to add to your OP (unless you'd rather make a separate thread for Caryll runes).

First, definition: when I say "word" I'm referring to the groups of 4 bytes because...well, the CS definition of "word".

Second, correction: the third word of a gem is not quantity, as you state in the OP. For gems the third word is always 01 00 00 00, but for Caryll runes it's always 02 00 00 00. That's important if, like I was, you're trying to transform a gem into a rune.

Third, the fourth word of a Caryll rune also gives it's "shape." When you look at a rune in your inventory, it has a "type" which can be either "-" for normal runes (Lake, Formless Oedon, etc) or "Oath" for covenant runes (like Impurity, Beast's Embrace, Milkweed, etc). In my experience, if you try to change the effect of a normal rune to that of a Beast's Embrace rune, the Rune winds up labelled "Lake" unless you change the fourth word

Finally, the effects on Milkweed and Beast's Embrace are weird. If you create a BE rune with the main effect alone--81 78 20 00--the rune WILL transform your character model and WILL give a +15 bonus to beasthood while equipped, but WILL NOT change any of your animations nor will it change your move-set when you have the Beast Claw equipped. In order to get the full BE change to animations and move-set, you have to add 5 effects to the rune: 81 78 20 00 / 82 78 20 00 / 83 78 20 00 / 84 78 20 00 / 85 78 20 00. The Milkweed rune is similar for the Kos Parasite, though you only need 3 effects instead of 5. Adding 69 7C 20 00 / 6A 7C 20 00 / 6B 7C 20 00 is what it takes to get full use out of Milkweed.


anonymous contributor : finding the Droplet shape data, providing more data
manulbrona : various primary effects data
Ninjutsu Hombre (JD) : providing more data
Abnaxis : for giving additional information/corrections

Data from manulbrona :

1B AA 02 00 : rank 19 slow poison (18.1) (1C AA 02 00 = rank 20)
7B 1D 02 00 : rank 19 rapid poison (21.7) (7C 1D 02 00 = rank 20)
7B 9A 02 00 : rank 19 beasthunter (32.6%) (7C 9A 02 00 = rank 20)
C3 11 02 00 : rank 19 kinhunter (32.6%) (C4 11 02 00 = rank 20)
8B 44 02 00 : rank 19 phys fool (34.4%) (8C 44 02 00 = rank 20)
43 50 02 00 : rank 19 nourishing fool (29%) (44 50 02 00 = rank 20)
2B 54 02 00 : rank 19 nourishing poor (30.8%) (2C 54 02 00 = rank 20)
Data from anonymous contributor :

gem source id :
58 06 10 80 = fire sage mob
BC 06 10 80 = brainsucker mob
C6 06 10 80 = brainsucker boss
78 0B 10 80 = BSB boss
A2 0C 10 80 = Silverbeast boss
74 0D 10 80 = ebrietas boss
BD 0F 10 80 = madman mob (corpse)
CC 0F 10 80 = watchers boss
31 10 10 80 = elder boss
53 11 10 80 = undead giant boss( canon )
1A 12 10 80 = abhorant beast boss
88 12 10 80 = loran darkbeast boss
ED 12 10 80 = HBLB boss
B4 13 10 80 = amygdala boss
0E 14 10 80 = bps boss
16 7F 10 80 = bonus room coffin ( pthumeru depth 5 )
E8 7F 10 80 = bonus room coffin ( loran depth 5 )
E9 7F 10 80 = bonus room coffin ( loran depth 5 )
4C 80 10 80 = bonus room coffin ( isz depth 5 )

gem shape :
01 00 00 00 = radial
02 00 00 00 = triangle
04 00 00 00 = waning
08 00 00 00 = circle
3F 00 00 00 = droplet

gem effect :
( listed in chonological digits order )
3C 33 00 00 = +6.5 BLOOD
3E 33 00 00 = +7 BLOOD
3F 33 00 00 = +7.3 BLOOD
40 33 00 00 = +7.5 BLOOD
01 34 00 00 = +20.1 BLOOD
02 34 00 00 = +21 BLOOD
03 34 00 00 = +21.9 BLOOD
04 34 00 00 = +22.8 BLOOD
05 34 00 00 = +23.6 BLOOD
06 34 00 00 = +24.5 BLOOD
07 34 00 00 = +25.4 BLOOD
08 34 00 00 = +26.3 BLOOD
28 37 00 00 = +15 ARC
51 38 00 00 = +67.5 ARC
52 38 00 00 = +70 ARC
53 38 00 00 = +72.5 ARC
54 38 00 00 = +75 ARC
B6 38 00 00 = +77 ARC
B7 38 00 00 = +79.8 ARC
B8 38 00 00 = +82.5 ARC
10 3B 00 00 = +15 FIRE
6F 3B 00 00 = +28.1 FIRE
71 3B 00 00 = +30.4 FIRE
72 3B 00 00 = +31.5 FIRE
73 3B 00 00 = +32.6 FIRE
39 3C 00 00 = +67.5 FIRE
3A 3C 00 00 = +70 FIRE
3B 3C 00 00 = +72.5 FIRE
3C 3C 00 00 = +75 FIRE
9D 3C 00 00 = +74.3 FIRE
9E 3C 00 00 = +77 FIRE
9F 3C 00 00 = +79.8 FIRE
A0 3C 00 00 = +82.5 FIRE
F6 3E 00 00 = +14 BOLT
F8 3E 00 00 = +15 BOLT
59 3F 00 00 = +30.4 BOLT
5A 3F 00 00 = +31.5 BOLT
5B 3F 00 00 = +32.6 BOLT
84 40 00 00 = +71.5 BOLT
85 40 00 00 = +74.3 BOLT
86 40 00 00 = +77 BOLT
87 40 00 00 = +79.8 BOLT
88 40 00 00 = +82.5 BOLT
42 43 00 00 = +18.9 PHYSICAL
E0 42 00 00 = +15 PHYSICAL
A1 43 00 00 = +24.2 PHYSICAL
A6 43 00 00 = +29.4 PHYSICAL
A7 43 00 00 = +30.5 PHYSICAL
A8 43 00 00 = +31.5 PHYSICAL
0A 44 00 00 = +42 PHYSICAL
0B 44 00 00 = +43.5 PHYSICAL
0C 44 00 00 = + 45 PHYSICAL
38 6E 00 00 = ATK DOWN -7.6%
39 6E 00 00 = ATK DOWN -7.9%
AA 85 00 00 = ATK BEAST DOWN -11.3%
78 8D 00 00 = ATK KIN DOWN -10.5%
79 8D 00 00 = ATK KIN DOWN -10.9%
7C 8D 00 00 = ATK KIN DOWN -12.2%
CD 98 00 00 = 5.4% OPEN FOES
D0 98 00 00 = 6% OPEN FOES
D1 98 00 00 = 6.5% RALLY
D2 98 00 00 = 6.5% RALLY
D3 98 00 00 = 6.7% RALLY
9E A0 00 00 = STAM COST +1.4%
9F A0 00 00 = STAM COST +1.5
00 A1 00 00 = STAM COST +2.9%
01 A1 00 00 = STAM COST +3%
02 A1 00 00 = STAM COST +3.2%
03 A1 00 00 = STAM COST +3.3%
04 A1 00 00 = STAM COST +3.4%
84 A4 00 00 = 5.2% CHARGE ATK UP
85 A4 00 00 = 5.4% CHARGE ATK UP
E9 A4 00 00 = 12.2% CHARGE ATK UP
EA A4 00 00 = 12.6% CHARGE ATK UP
EB A4 00 00 = 13.1% CHARGE ATK UP
EC A4 00 00 = 13.5 % CHATGE ATK UP
B8 AC 00 00 = HP DEPLETE -8
BB AC 00 00 = HP DEPLETE -9
3D B0 00 00 = 2.7% BOOST RALLY
A2 B0 00 00 = 6.3% BOOST RALLY
8A B4 00 00 = WPN DURA UP +12.6
8B B4 00 00 = WPN DURA UP +13.1
8C B4 00 00 = WPN DURA UP + 13.5
71 B8 00 00 = WPN DURA DOWN -60.8
72 B8 00 00 = WPN DURA DOWN -63
07 C1 00 00 = 25% PHYSICAL NEAR DEATH
08 C1 00 00 = 26% PHYSICAL NEAR DEATH
09 C1 00 00 = 27% PHYSICAL NEAR DEATH
86 21 01 00 = +2.8 SLOW POISON
9B D5 01 00 = 11.7% BLUNT
9C D5 01 00 = 12.2% BLUNT
2B D7 01 00 = 32.6% BLUNT
2C D7 01 00 = 33.8% BLUNT
AD DA 01 00 = 26.7% THRUST
AE DA 01 00 = 27.7% THRUST
AF DA 01 00 = 28.7% THRUST
B0 DA 01 00 = 29.7% THRUST
13 DB 01 00 = 32.6% THRUST
14 DB 01 00 = 33.8% THRUST
95 DE 01 00 = 26.7% BLOOD
97 DE 01 00 = 28.7% BLOOD
98 DE 01 00 = 29.7% BLOOD
FA DE 01 00 = 31.5% BLOOD
FB DE 01 00 = 32.6% BLOOD
FC DE 01 00 = 33.8% BLOOD
7E E2 01 00 = 23.1% ARC
7F E2 01 00 = 23.9% ARC
80 E2 01 00 = 24.8% ARC
E3 E2 01 00 = 27.2% ARC
E4 E2 01 00 = 28.1% ARC
65 E6 01 00 = 22.3% FIRE
CB E6 01 00 = 27.2% FIRE
CC E6 01 00 = 28.1% FIRE
20 E9 01 00 = 8.8% BOLT
E9 E9 01 00 = 20.3% BOLT
EA E9 01 00 = 21% BOLT
EC E9 01 00 = 22.5% BOLT
4F EA 01 00 = 23.9% BOLT
B3 EA 01 00 = 27.2% BOLT
B4 EA 01 00 = 28.2% BOLT
0B ED 01 00 = 9.8% PHYSICAL
0C ED 01 00 = 10.1% PHYSICAL
D1 ED 01 00 = 20.3% PHYSICAL
20 F2 01 00 = 21.5% ATK
83 F2 01 00 = 23.6% ATK
84 F2 01 00 = 24.4% ATK
F0 F9 01 00 = +65 STR SCALING
D2 FD 01 00 = +19.8 SKILL SCALING
D6 FD 01 00 = +23.1 SKILL SCALING
D7 FD 01 00 = +23.9 SKILL SCALING
D8 FD 01 00 = + 24.8 SKILL SCALING
F2 00 02 00 = +12.6 BLOOD SCALING
21 02 02 00 = +25.3 BLOOD SCALING
22 02 02 00 = +26.3 BLOOD SCALING
23 02 02 00 = +27.2 BLOOD SCALING
24 02 02 00 = +28.1 BLOOD SCALING
44 05 02 00 = +65 ARC SCALING
09 06 02 00 = +25.3 ARC SCALING
B9 23 02 00 = 3% REDUCE STAM COST
48 25 02 00 = 8.1% REDUCE STAM COST
4C 25 02 00 = 9.4% REDUCE STAM COST
52 2C 02 00 = 28% CHARGE ATK
53 2C 02 00 = 29% CHARGE ATK
54 2C 02 00 = 30% CHARGE ATK
FF 30 02 00 = +5 HP RECOVER
01 31 02 00 = +5 HP RECOVER
02 31 02 00 = +5 HP RECOVER
03 31 02 00 = +5 HP RECOVER
04 31 02 00 = +6 HP RECOVER
8B 44 02 00 = 34.4% PHYSICAL AT FULL HP
8C 44 02 00 = 35.6% PHYSICAL AT FULL HP
42 50 02 00 = 28% NOURISHING AT FULL HP
43 50 02 00 = 29% NOURISHING AT FULL HP
44 50 02 00 = 30% NOURISHING AT FULL HP
F3 86 02 00 = 27.2% PHYSICAL
F4 86 02 00 = 28.1% PHYSICAL
77 8A 02 00 = 23.9% PHYSICAL
78 8A 02 00 = 24.8% PHYSICAL
A8 92 02 00 = +24.4 STR SCALING
AC 92 02 00 = +28.1 STR SCALING
B1 99 02 00 = 24.3% ATK BEAST
B3 99 02 00 = 26.1% ATK BEAST
B4 99 02 00 = 27% ATK BEAST
7B 9A 02 00 = 32.6% ATK BEAST
7C 9A 02 00 = 33.8% ATK BEAST
C3 11 02 00 = 32.6% ATK KIN
C4 11 02 00 = 33.8% ATK KIN
7B 1D 02 00 = +21.7 RAPID POISON
7C 1D 02 00 = +22.5 RAPID POISON
1B AA 02 00 = +18.1 SLOW POISON
1C AA 02 00 = +18.7 SLOW POISON
3A AD 02 00 = +16.8 RAPID POISON
3C AD 02 00 = +18 RAPID POISON
Data from Ninjitsu Hombre (JD)
5A BC 00 00 = 12% nourishing at full hp
5C 3F 00 00 = +33.8 BOLT
67 E6 01 00 = 23.9% FIRE
68 E6 01 00 = 24.8% FIRE
70 3B 00 00 = 29.3 FIRE ATK
10 3B 00 00 = +15 FIRE
1A 1A 01 00 = 11.3% ATK KIN
1C 1A 01 00 = 12.2% ATK KIN
12 DB 01 00 = 31.5% THRUST
A9 85 00 00 = ATK BEAST DOWN 10.9%
9A EE 01 00 = 26.3% phys
02 E6 01 00 = 21% FIRE
71 B8 00 00 = WPN DURA DOWN -60.8
72 B8 00 00 = WPN DURA DOWN -63
73 B8 00 00 = WPN DURA DOWN -65.3
74 B8 00 00 = WPN DURA DOWN -67.5
4A 12 01 00 = 11.3% ATK BEAST
4B 12 01 00 = 11.7% ATK BEAST
4C 12 01 00 = 12.2% ATK BEAST
2E 89 00 00 = 5% ATK KIN
2F 89 00 00 = 5.2% ATK KIN
30 89 00 00 = 5.4% ATK KIN
B0 C7 00 00 = 4.8% nourishing at full HP
E7 11 01 00 = 5.2% ATK BEAST
E8 11 01 00 = 5.4% ATK BEAST
Last edited by Aladore on Fri Nov 13, 2020 7:56 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Bloodborne : Quick Tutorial on Gem Modding

Post by Kyoshiro » Sat May 06, 2017 2:27 pm

Aladore wrote:Bloodborne : Quick Tutorial on Gem Modding
Is that supposed to be a link? Because I can't even click on it. GG.

Or are you in the process of posting the details, in which case, I'll wait for it.
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Re: Bloodborne : Quick Tutorial on Gem Modding

Post by Aladore » Sun May 07, 2017 11:13 pm

I was gonna post the details, but then this forum keeps giving me 502 errors.

I live in Europe, and the only workaround with this CloudFlare/CDN/502 error is by using a proxy.

My tutorial is ready, I'm just gonna locate the data for Thrust and Blunt before I post.

Edit : made a .txt instead. Not sure why this forum doesn't work!!!
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Re: Bloodborne : Quick Tutorial on Gem Modding

Post by manulbrona » Mon May 08, 2017 12:18 am


Just FYI if you've already went through tutorial here are some good gems codes from the "very rare" watchers drop tables:

Murky 19 (slow poison + 18.1 ) 1B AA 02 00 <>1C (20)
Dirty 19 (fast poison +21.7) 7B 1D 02 00 <>7C (20)
Beasthunter 19 (vs beasts +32.6%) 7B 9A 02 00 <> 7C (20)
Kinhunter 19 (vs kin +32.6%) C3 11 02 00 <>C4 (20)
Fool 19 (Phys up at full HP 34.4%) 8B 44 02 00 <> 8C (20)
Fool 19 (ATK Up at full HP 29%) 43 50 02 00 <> 44 (20)
Poor 19 (ATK Up near death 30.8%) 2B 54 02 00 <> 2C (20)

Wonder if it's possible to find Sharp SKL+65 or Bloodtinge scaling gems same as those STR and ARC farmable from Elder
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Re: Bloodborne : Quick Tutorial on Gem Modding

Post by Aladore » Mon May 08, 2017 12:24 am

Gonna add these data to my tutorial, thanks :)
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Re: Bloodborne : Quick Tutorial on Gem Modding

Post by Kyoshiro » Mon May 08, 2017 4:58 am

Yeah, I'll be honest here.

I don't have the first clue, as to where to even start looking for my gems.
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Re: Bloodborne : Quick Tutorial on Gem Modding

Post by XxAeternumm » Mon May 08, 2017 6:36 am

Can you show us the best way to find our gems thx
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Re: Bloodborne : Quick Tutorial on Gem Modding

Post by zachillios » Mon May 08, 2017 8:09 am

The easiest way to find your blood gems (or rather how I did it) is to first start advanced mode (which decrypts your save) then open the save with HxD. Here's a link if you need it The temporary save will be located in AppData\Local\Temp\SWPS4MAX

After you do that (assuming you've done the chalice dungeons and killed one of the bosses featured in the guide) open up your save in HxD and click CTRL+F (be sure to click the datatype and change it to hex-values) and then type in in one of the sources values like this:

Just be sure to not actually do the editing in HxD, this is just for you to easily find the location of your gems. Hope that clears that up!
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Re: Bloodborne : Quick Tutorial on Gem Modding

Post by XxAeternumm » Mon May 08, 2017 11:35 am

Omg I figured it all out thx a lot if you can is there anyway you can find something similar like this to dark souls 3
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Re: Bloodborne : Quick Tutorial on Gem Modding

Post by XxAeternumm » Mon May 08, 2017 2:26 pm

Last question how did you guys add gem slots to your weapons
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