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PS4 SaveWizard Q/A

Posted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 4:51 pm
by Skiller
Q: Where do I buy the device ?


Q: How do I access Advanced mode?
A: Right click on the game save (of yours in SW) and picking Advanced mode
this will bring up a new screen
Note: If you want to get more advanced and use an external Hex device u can go to %Temp%\SWPS4MAX and u will see the Decrypted files that have been decrypted .. Do note u can use this section to find codes but u will have to add them using the SaveWizard's advanced or quick mode Add codes....

when in advanced mode you can Hex Search 0x??????? this will allow you to use Direct Hex Values. In both Code search and Address.

(Second note in advanced mode there are some hidden functions like CTRL+G this is address jumper there seems to be a bug sometimes were the hex value does not go in right when using CTRL+V or right click paste. Sometimes it takes it as a DEC if there are no letters .. this same issue happens in the Search box on the bottom ......)

(note for Text field Advanced mode) ----

Q: Can i add my own games?
A: No. due to the way the PS4 saves are, it takes a lot of behind the scenes work to get some game saves working fully .. Who knows if they will add 0 Code games but it’s a possibility.

Q: How do i add codes
A: In Quick mode if u right click on the cheat list a menu comes up to Add your own codes..

Q: How do i get my Profile so i can use the Ps4 Save Wizard
A: All you need to have is a save of yours on your USB, open Save Wizard and you will see that its gray, you can then right click on it and you will see “Register Profile” click on that and another screen will come up for you to name the ID, once done hit OK and you're good to use the codes on anything under that Profile (PSN ID). As long as its on SW

Q: What Format Does Advanced Mode Use
A: Advanced Mode is just a Hex reader just like HxD or Hexworkshop it will open any save that’s set to open
(note: there is also a setting to make the Advanced in text as well)

Address 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F |Data (Ascii)

Max Money 9999
20000000 0000270F

So in advanced this would be

Address 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F |Data (Ascii)
00000000 0F 27 00 00


Q: Why do I see codes go in Quick codes like “270F” but in Advanced mode I see them as “0F27” ?
A: This is due to the PS4 90% of the saves output in little-endian meaning when we look at them in hex editor they are in reverse order. The main Code types will Auto Reverse the Codes value. So, when making codes and you want to Write 0F27 to your save you would use the Normal 270F. I will do a break down of Known Code types At the end. Note If the game is part of the 10% outputs in Big-endian then when making codes in advanced u will see 270F and your Quick code would be 0F27

Re: PS4 SaveWizard Q/A

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2022 9:04 am
by Andersenlab
Thanks for sharing the information. I’m looking forward to the PS4 SaveWizard Q&A! I am excited to see what they have in store for us! I suppose that Andersen is a software programming company that provides advanced tech support in the USA. We offer a wide range of advanced tech support services, including software support. We also offer a variety of other services, such as web design, graphic design, and software development. We are committed to providing the best possible advanced tech support to our clients.