Step 1: Install Twython packages

I'm using ssh to access to Raspberry Pi. My IP address for the SD card for this is Your IP address may be different — just change the address accordingly.
Open the Terminal window and on the command line, type:
ssh pi@
If you are running directly hooked into the monitor, you can skip this step.
Run the latest package updates and upgrades, just to make sure everything is current — you will have to have wifi access for this step. Type in the commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
There will be a lot of waiting and Linux garble, so take break and pet your cat. Now, install the Twython libraries, which will let you use Twitter from Python using these three commands:
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install twython
You'll see more Linux stuff and then you should be good to go.